Yoga Burn Challenge – Review 2020

Yoga Burn Challenge - Review 2020

Quick Intro

The main reason why I decided on the Yoga Burn Challenge review is that it works, and Yoga has been around for centuries. Most people look at it as a form of exercise that’s gentle and used for stress relief. The truth of the matter is that yoga is extremely effective for building strength, toning your body and helping with weight loss too.

Some of the most aesthetically-pleasing physiques belong to yoga practitioners who can execute poses that would make a bodybuilder tremble and groan.

Over the past few years, one of the top-selling yoga programs online that have sold thousands of copies was created for women by a woman.

The secret to the success of the Yoga Burn Challenge Program lies in what’s referred to as Dynamic Sequencing. Dynamic Sequencing is the way in which the yoga burn program teaches you how to properly perform each movement and then continues to adapt and increase the challenge at the precise moment your body starts to get used to the routine.

Zoe - Yoga Burn challenge Instructor
Zoe - Yoga Burn challenge Instructor

About The Instructor/Owner of Yoga Burn Challenge

Zoe Bray-Cotton is an internationally certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, and female transformation specialist to over 1 million women around the world. Zoe is the creator of international best selling fitness systems for women such as Yoga Burn, as well as the Yoga Burn Facebook, and Instagram Community.

Her Previous successful products are:

  • Yoga Burn Fitness system for women
  • Yoga Burn Trim Core challenge
  • Total Body Challenge – Yoga Burn
  • Yoga Burn Meditation Solution

These products are also still available if you’re interested.

Who is Yoga Burn Challenge For?

Yoga Burn is for women from any walk of life who are ready to make time to follow a done-for-you yoga program designed to promote natural and healthy weight loss without any need for pills, powders, or potions. If you want to lose weight and get in shape without having to spend countless hours in the gym or lift heavy weights then Yoga Burn may be a great fit for you.

What is the product, and how does it work?

You get a digital download, so you can start immediately, and then you get a physical package also.

The price of $37 provides great value – and you can get a refund within 60 days if you don’t feel like you’re getting results (we don’t think this is likely though!)

Yoga Burn is a 12-week program comprised of 3 phases. Each phase has 3 videos with a total of 9 videos. Each video is about 15 minutes long.

You’ll play the video in a loop 3 times to create a 45-minute session. Just long enough for the workout to be effective and yield results without being overly arduous.

By the time the 12 weeks are up, you’ll be much more capable at yoga and your body will be stronger and more toned. I don’t think there is a product in this category with the same value for money.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of Yoga Burn…

The  THREE phases are:

1 – Foundational Flow.

2 – Transitional Flow.

3 – Mastery Flow.

You can read more about the phases here

Yoga burn Complete packageWeight Loss Products Reviews - Weight Loss Guru
Yoga Burn - Complete Package Weight Loss Products Reviews - Weight Loss Guru

Pros & Cons

The Good Points

1). This is an ‘easy to follow video course that’s suitable for beginners too. The 12-week plan gives you the fundamentals so that you develop a strong foundation as you progress on to the more challenging poses. The video instructions are at a pace that’s slow enough for the beginners to follow along to… yet fast enough so they’re not overly long. There is also an introduction video click here for the video

2). Most yoga classes/books/videos only teach you the poses with nary a thought given to your gender. Yoga Burn, however, is a yoga course that was specifically made for women.

Zoe Bray understands the unique challenges that women face when trying to shed the fat off their buttocks and thighs. Men usually do not face issues in these areas. Yoga Burn is designed in a way that accelerates fat burning in these trouble spots by toning the muscles there with yoga poses.

3). The structure of the course is its strongest selling point. You’ll start off in the Foundational Flow phase where you learn the basics of yoga. Proper breathing techniques, safety, how to execute the poses with good form, etc. will be taught to you during this phase.

In phase 2, which is the Transitional Flow phase, you’ll learn how to effortlessly move from one pose to another. The goal is to be smooth and graceful.

Phase 3 is all about mastering the poses and executing them proficiently. 

And it does not stop here!

4). Besides these 3 phases, the program also includes a Tranquillity Flow sequence. You’ll be getting a few MP3 audios to listen to so that you can execute the Yoga Burn program better.

5). This product is a digital download and you’ll have instant access to it. You could be doing yoga within 10 minutes of payment. How exciting!

6). If you’re worried that you might not like the program, cast your worries aside. Yoga Burn comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Your investment is risk-free and you can always ask for a refund if you’re not satisfied

The Bad Points

1). The yoga program is great for building flexibility, increasing strength, and building lean muscle. However, if you want to see weight loss, you’ll need to clean up your diet and be at a caloric deficit. I personally think she could add a healthy eating plan with this product.

2). When these two cornerstones are in place, Yoga Burn will melt your fat off in no time. You’ll need the discipline to be on a healthy diet.

This is a digital download and only available online. You’ll need a credit card to purchase it and a computer with an internet connection to access it.

3). This program is mended for women only.

Is it worth buying, The Yoga Burn Challenge?

You most definitely should. If you’re a woman who wishes to get toned and fit without exerting yourself by lifting weights or spending hours on the treadmill, Yoga Burn is definitely your best bet to achieving your weight loss and fitness goals.

Even if you’re a beginner, this course will work for you because it starts off with the fundamentals and works its way up.

The 12-week Yoga Burn program will take you from beginner to intermediate in no time at all. Of course, if you want to truly master yoga at its highest levels, you’ll need a professional instructor.

However, if it’s fitness and weight loss that you want, Yoga Burn will more than suffice. It will give you that lean and lithe look that’s feminine and yet strong at the same time.

Try it and in 12 weeks you’ll thank yourself that you did.

You can get the best price here, for a limited time only!

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